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MatchRoom Class

Model class representing a match room.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SoftGear.Strix.Client.Match.Room.Model
Assembly:  strix-client-csharp-match (in strix-client-csharp-match.dll) Version: 2.3.0
public class MatchRoom : IRoom, IModel

The MatchRoom type exposes the following members.

Public methodMatchRoom
Initializes a new instance of the MatchRoom class
Public methodGetCapacity
Gets the maximum allowed number of members in the room.
Public methodGetIsJoinable
Gets the flag determining if it's allowed to join the room.
Public methodGetMemberCount
Gets the current number of members in the room.
Public methodGetName
Gets the room name.
Public methodGetOwnerUid
Gets the UID of the room owner.
Public methodGetPassword
Gets the room password.
Public methodGetPrimaryKey
Gets the room ID (primary key).
Public methodGetState
Gets the room state.
Public methodSetCapacity
Sets the maximum allowed number of members in the room.
Public methodSetIsJoinable
Sets the flag determining if it's allowed to join the room.
Public methodSetMemberCount
Sets the current number of members in the room.
Public methodSetName
Sets the room name.
Public methodSetOwnerUid
Sets the UID of the room owner.
Public methodSetPassword
Sets the room password.
Public methodSetPrimaryKey
Sets the room ID (primary key).
Public methodSetState
Sets the room state.
See Also