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StrixBehaviour Class

Base class for all the objects that plan to use Strix features.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SoftGear.Strix.Unity.Runtime
Assembly:  StrixUnityRuntime (in StrixUnityRuntime.dll) Version: 1.5.0
public abstract class StrixBehaviour : MonoBehaviour

The StrixBehaviour type exposes the following members.

Protected methodStrixBehaviour
Initializes a new instance of the StrixBehaviour class
Public propertyisLocal
if you are the owner of the object; otherwise.
Public propertyisSync
if you are the owner of the object and the object is being synchronized over network; otherwise.
Public propertystrixReplicator
Reference to a StrixReplicator this StrixBehaviour is registered with.
Protected methodCacheSyncFields
Public methodCode exampleOnStrixDeserialize
This method is called when Strix deserialization is performed.
Public methodCode exampleOnStrixSerialize
This method is called when Strix serialization is performed.
Public methodCode exampleRpc(String, Object)
Calls an RPC on the room member who owns the object.
Public methodRpc(UID, String, Object)
Calls an RPC on a room member specified by UID.
Public methodCode exampleRpc(String, RpcSuccessEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, Object)
Calls an RPC on the room member who owns the object.
Public methodRpc(UID, String, RpcSuccessEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, Object)
Calls an RPC on a room member specified by UID.
Public methodCode exampleRpcToAll(String, Object)
Calls an RPC on all the clients in the match room including self.
Public methodCode exampleRpcToAll(String, RpcSuccessEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, Object)
Calls an RPC on all the clients in the match room including self.
Public methodRpcToOtherMembers(String, Object)
Calls an RPC on all the clients in the match room except for this one.
Public methodRpcToOtherMembers(String, RpcSuccessEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, Object)
Calls an RPC on all the clients in the match room except for this one.
Public methodRpcToRoomOwner(String, Object)
Calls an RPC on the room owner.
Public methodRpcToRoomOwner(String, RpcSuccessEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, Object)
Calls an RPC on the room owner.
Protected fieldsyncFields
Using StrixBehaviour as a base class for your scripts instead of MonoBehaviour will enable Strix features such as replication, synchronization, and RPC.
See Also