Initialization and Termination

Initializing Strix Network

Before any Strix networking functionality is possible, the network must be initialized. This is done by calling the Initialize Strix Network function and entering in your application ID as an argument.

A separate function, Initialize Strix Network with Http Access Token is used for initialization when you have authorization enabled on your server. Be aware that this function takes an access token as an additional argument. See Token Authorization (OAuth) for more info.

Specifying Application Id is mandatory for both functions, and providing Access Token is for Initialize Strix Network with Http Access Token.

Functions for initializing Strix network


If you call either function when the Strix network has been initialized, the call is simply ignored. It means that you can safely call these functions multiple times, but it also means that you can’t switch to another server system with different Application Id (if you ever need to) by simply calling Initialize Strix Network with a different Application Id. You need to stop the Strix network before switching.

Stopping Strix Network

The function Stop Strix Network stops all Strix network operations and closes all connections. This should be called at the end of the networked part of your game. However, you may also stop and restart the network if you wish to change to a different cluster.

StopStrixNetowrk function

Checking Strix network status

You can check whether the Strix network has been initialized by calling Is Initialized function, which is found in StrixBPLibrary category. The function returns True if the Strix network has been initialized and False otherwise. Note that it checks the initialization status only; it doesn’t care whether the client is actually connected to any server.

IsInitialized function