Animation Synchronization

Strix provides the StrixAnimationSynchronizer component for animation synchronization of replicated objects.

The synchronizer can be added to an object with a replicator component, and the reference to an Animator component set to the relevant component for the object.

In the inspector, you can see a list of animation parameters that are being synchronized; these parameters are configurable. If these animation parameters are driven by the properties of the object, such as velocity, it might be better to let them be set by the animation locally, rather than synchronizing them, as updates are limited per second (updated when the replicator updates).

If you want to change these from code, you can set values of the ParameterSynchronizationFlags property. It’s an array of bool values, each of which corresponds to an animation parameter in the properties property of the animator.

The StrixAnimationSynchronizer also has a property called SynchronizeStates. When it’s set to true, it tries to synchronize the current state of the animator. Otherwise, only animation parameters are synchronized.