Actor Property Synchronization

Multiplayer games often require some properties of objects be synchronized across clients.

Strix can synchronize properties of Actor Blueprints if the Blueprint has the Strix Replicator Component attached.

Strix property synchronization replaces the existing UE networking subsystem. This is done by using the Replicated and RepNotify flags on Actor properties. The values of the properties on the owner Actor are replicated to the replica Actors on other clients.

Unreal basic types and containers can be replicated.

The rate at which updates are performed is determined by the Strix Replicator Component Ticks Per Second setting.

Replicated Properties

Actor properties under My Blueprint > Variables may be replicated. By selecting the variable, and changing the Replication flag in Details to Replicated, the property will be marked for replication. Strix can sync any primitive or struct value, but not object types.


Sometimes an action should take place when a property value changes.

If RepNotify is set instead of Replicated, UE will add a new function to the Blueprint’s Functions panel with the name OnRep_{Property Name}. This function will be called when the value is changed.


Replication for non-Blueprint Actors is not supported.