Leaving and Deleting a Room

When you have done with a room, e.g., you have finished a match, you will leave the room. Leaving a room may automatically delete the room under certain conditions. You can also delete a room explicitly.

Leaving a room

Leave Room function let you leave the room you are currently in.

If you are the only (last) member in the room, your leaving from the room automatically deletes it. However, if there is another member in the room, and you are the room owner, your leaving from the room causes one of the following:

  • If room owner migration option is disabled on the server, the room is deleted, and all remaining members are kicked.

  • If room owner migration option is enabled on the server, the room is not deleted, and the owner authority is migrated to another member in the room.

Deleting a room

At the end of matches, it may be appropriate to delete a room rather than leave it open.

The Delete Room function deletes the room on the specified channel, removing it from the server. Only the Room Owner can delete a room. Deleting a room will kick all players from the room.