Initial Setup


Let’s get started by downloading the Strix Unreal Sample from the Downloads page of Strix Cloud ( You need to sign in to the Strix Cloud. If you don’t have an account, it is easy to create one (for free!)

Then, locate the download card called Unreal Engine Samples on the Downloads page and download the most recent version (1.1.1 as of this writing.)

The downloaded zip file ( contains a single Unreal project, and the project has Strix Unreal SDK already imported into it. You don’t need to download Strix Unreal SDK separately (for the purpose of this sample.)

You also need to create an Application (meaning “a set of servers” in Strix Cloud terminology) for this sample on Strix Cloud, adding a server instance that works both as a master server and a room server. See Strix Cloud Setup for exact steps to do it, or consult Strix Cloud User’s Guide if you want to know the details.

Setting up the project

After the preparation described above, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Unreal project file by Unreal Editor.

  2. In the Play submenu, ensure that you are in Selected Viewport mode with two players, and in the advanced settings under Multiplayer Options, that Auto Connect To Server is Disabled.

  3. In the MenuWidgets folder, open the Login widget.


In the older version of the sample, server’s hostname and Application ID are stored in the Blueprint script as default values of variables, and you were instructed to rewrite them to point to your server as a part of project setup.

In the current version of the sample, however, you enter the hostname and Application ID on the Login screen of the sample during the play.

How to use this sample

The Strix Unreal Sample contains several maps. We will start from the Login map, which handles connection to a room. You can open maps individually, but you have to connect to Strix through the Login map first. Initially, we will go through the Login map, and open each map in turn.